Fernando M. Reimers et a1. Overview The purpose of this unit is to use various methods to represent the world as it is today. Activity E.1.1 Understanding Sustainable Living Download the lesson plan “Understanding Sustainable Living” and teach the sixty—minute lesson (https://www.tes.com/worldslargestlesson/). Study Sustainable Development Goals 1 1—15 (http://www.un.org/ sustainabledevelopment/sustainable—development—goals/). Activity E1 .2 Mapping the World Students begin this unit by taking a close look at the world today. They complete a series of mapping activities that challenges them to chart and map the following: Freshwater versus salt water Deserts and forests Endangered animals and plants Energy resources Climactic zones P‘V‘r‘kP’P?‘ Population The students create maps, tables, and charts that together should give a picture of the world as it is today. They devote one week to each topic, us- ing multiple sources to gather information and multiples methods to share different aspects of each topic. 316