THE WORLD COURSE HIGH SCHOOL SEMESTER COURSE THE ENVIRONMENT In this semester—long course, students study the world as it is, as it might be, and as it should be. They use mapping skills to represent the natural and man—made world as it is today in an effort to understand the challenges that humans already face and will face as a result of the destruction of the environment. Students will read one book of fiction (Oryx and Cmke, by Margaret Attwood) and one book of nonfiction (Silent Spring, by Rachel Carson). They will employ systems thinking to understand and predict sce— narios for the future if environmental degradation continues unchecked. Finally, they will work together to devise a plan to avoid the disastrous fu— ture they predicted. Overview of the Units 1) The World as It Is 2) The World as It Could Be: Scenario Planning, Part 1 3) The World as it Should Be: Scenario Planning, Part 2 314