Fernando M. Reimers et al. The study of each of the challenges will be rooted in a semester—long course. The case study includes teaching and learning about the following: the skills and knowledge needed to address the challenges associated with that process and various ways to think about the challenge, such as the kinds of questions to ask or the frameworks in which to look at the issues. The independent (or group) project strand focuses on a multiyear indi— vidual (or group) capstone project on an issue that the students will identify by the end of their ninth-grade year, after taking the two semester courses. This project includes independent research, an internship with a mentor and/or an organization working on the issue, the development and imple- mentation of an action plan to help address the issue, and a final senior—year presentation to the rest of the school community on the experience. The students will be placed in advisory groups with peers who are interested in similar issues and will be supervised throughout grades ten through twelve by an assigned advisor and possibly by outside mentors. This project can be executed individually or in groups. The focus is on helping students use their talents and interests to meet global challenges. ' Examples of projects/ issues include the following: 0 In working on emerging technologies, students will identify (at the end of the semester course) one emerging technology that they believe could address a relevant global challenge. (This is the final activity of the semester course.) They will then identify firms, universities, or other organizations working on the issues; find and do an internship; and write a final paper summarizing their contribution to the issue in their engagement with the firm or university. 0 In working on the issue of countries in conflict/geopolitical challenge, students will identify organizations working on the issue of interfaith understanding in NYC; map what they do; locate gaps, particularly for high school students; form a student club at their school with other students to develop interfaith 312