THE WORLD COURSE NINTH THROUGH TWELFTH GRADE T here are two strands to the World Course in grades nine through twelve: a curricular strand and an individual project. At this level the World Course expects greater self—direction on the part of student in determining what to study, why and how. For this reason, the individual project is the anchor of this activity, with the curricular strand Offering the necessary in— tellectual foundation to support students in developing that project. Ideally the curricular strand will offer many opportunities for personalization, with students helping develop the program of study. For this reason, the semester long courses are presented in less detail than the previous year long courses have been. The curricular strand is composed of five semester—long in—depth studies of major processes driving globalization, their respective challenges, the past progress made on the challenges, and the current progress being made on the challenges. Each student will choose at least two of these semester—long cours— es but can take more if he or she wishes. The semester courses are described in the following sections. These courses should be similar to college level courses and we anticipate that as students and their faculty fully flesh them out that they will draw on existing college level courses to identify relevant content. Our hope is that there will be abundant Opportunities for personalization at this level, with students pursuing the same topic conceivably accessing differ— ent resources and content in ways that is most directly relevant to their inter— ests and to the project students should be working on in high school. 311