Empowering Global Citizens Activity 8.8.8 Population Challenges in India and China The teacher will guide a discussion regarding the many population chal— lenges faced by India and China. These challenges should include poverty, education, urbanization, and health. Most of the students will choose a challenge of interest to them and work in groups to 1. identify the cause of the challenge and what part population plays in the challenge 2. identify previous attempts to solve the challenge and judge their effectiveness 3. propose a few policy solutions to the challenge. A small group of students will instead research the broad picture in each country. Rather than focusing on one problem, they will conduct research on the current state of governance and on the overall challenges in each na— tion. In the mock summit, these students will act as a decision—making body for each nation and choose the most compelling proposal from the groups. This group should research the resources provided by the governments as well as by NGOS and social organizations. Activity 8.8.4 Mock Summit Each group will represent its country in a mock summit on the challenges that the countries face. Students will be placed in groups according to the challenge they researched (Whether it is in India or China). They will need to prepare a presentation about their challenge and possible policy solutions. 309