Unit Topic Theme Region Length Goals 1. 3. Skills Empowering Global Citizens 8.8 Modern Populations: Case Study of China and India Global risk: society and health and conflict China and India Six weeks and Objectives Learn to describe the modern population composition (by ethnic— ity, race, culture, growth, and migration) in India and China and to describe some policy issues related to population (e.g., policies concerning immigration, workforces, environmental sustainability, population growth, equality, education, and mobility). Question the current distribution of people around the world and question current policies with respect to equity. Act by creating a project that integrates at least two population issues. and Knowledge Students will describe the modern population composition (by eth— nicity, race, culture, growth, and migration) in India and China and some policy issues related to population (e.g., policies concerning immigration, workforces, environmental sustainability, population growth, equality, education and mobility). Students will evaluate the opportunities and challenges of various population issues (e.g., immigration, population growth or decline, population explosion, integration versus assimilation, and cultural mixing. Students will use information from varied primary and secondary sources to evaluate population policies. 307