Unit Topic Theme Region Length Empowering Global Citizens 8.7 Along the Silk Road: An In—Depth Look at the Cultural Exchange and the Effects of Migration on Art, Music, Trade, and Belief Systems Arts: literature, visual, music, and dance; economic devel— opment; culture: world history and world religions; work and mind habits: innovation and creativity; ethics: religious diversity and ethical frameworks; and ICC: interpersonal (diverse cultural perspectives) China Six weeks Goals and Objectives Skills Learn how relationships across civilizations translate in artistic influence. Inspire students to identify art and spirituality as common elements across diverse cultural groups, as common aspects of the human ex— perience. humanity Act by further investigate how various artistic creations reflect cross— cultural influence, and to examine how cultural, economic and technological. exchanges are mutually reinforcing. and Knowledge Students will learn about the points of contact across civilizations that were the result of migration, including those of cultural, eco— nomic, and technological exchanges. Students will learn about the influence of Spain and Muslims through Spain to Latin America (this can be an independent re— search project for students).