Empowering Global Citizens Resources to Draw From http://www.pbs.org/ independentlens/ newamericans/ newamericans/mexican_ intro.html Our Selves with Francis Stoner Saunders — a story on Christopher Lydon’s Open Source (Public Radio) http://radioopensource. org/borders/ Activity Students are introduced to the concepts of network effects and diasporas, which may affect the decision to migrate. This also introduc- es the social factors behind migration, including fac— tors such as social security, social har— mony, and greater social benefits Also, they might look into how per— secution (religious and otherwise) can lead to migration. Discussion ° Which coun— tries have good public—service systems and have received high numbers of mi— grants? (Consider Scandinavian countries.) ° Why might cultures and network effects be important considerations in the decision to migrate? Using the case they have been assigned, the groups will also undertake their own research on each of these factors by reading books and watching clips. The students will present their research on their specific case in class. Students will also be presented with newspaper articles about countries with large receiving and sending migrant populations. Students will be asked to 301