Fernando M. Reimers et a]. ‘ : ep2_case,¢m¢mic-Fam Resources to Activity Discussion and Draw From Research ° http://news.bbc. ' SIUdCHFS diSCUSS 0 What are the co.uk/2/hi/7118941.stm the growing pres— economic ° http://wwwglobalpost. CECE Of China in prospects of com/dispatch/ Africa and read migration? china—and—its— articles and watch ° What is labor neighbors/090219/ news clips from supply? Labor chinas-little—africa— different media demand? How under—pressure SOUfCCS- does a mismatch ° Students can between the 3180 866 the two influence economics—related the prospect of information in migration”? the following link from the New York Times: http://www. nytimes.com/ref/ world/20070622_ CAPEVERDE_ GRAPHIC. html#. 16 'lhis can be a precursor to economics, and a very light introduction is needed. 300