Empowering Global Citizens on this discussion, the teacher lists three themes/reasons. For each theme, the class is divided into different groups, and the teacher addresses pus/7 (reasons people leave) and pull (reasons people are attracted to other coun— tries) factors. Group 1: Case of Environmental and PoliticalFaetors ‘3 ‘ Resources to Activity Draw From S d ' tu ents can ' http://www.unhcr. org/48ce32c54html ° http://www. watch a clip from the list given. youtube com/ ’ Students also read watch?V=Lpqu3B2ac8 (This tells the story of a a narrative of a young refugee to understand some of the hardships that young refu— twelve—yeapold refugee from Kenya.) ° http://wwwlostboysfilrn. com/learnhtml (This gees face and the reasons that the concerns the film Lost Y Boys ofSudan—see the became refugees. . . (See UNHCR educational study guide Education and classroom lessons.) Materials Catalogue.) Discussion and Research ' Who is a refugee/ climate refugee?l5 ° What are the fac— tors that caused them to leave? ° What happened after the earth— quake in Haiti? Did people move? Where to? What were the challenges associ— ated with this? 15 The teacher should be careful to avoid creating confusion between being a refugee and be— ing a climate/environmental refugee. 299