Unit Topic Theme Region Length Empowering Global Citizens 8.6 Migration and International Development: Reasons for and Effects of Migration ICC: diverse cultural perspectives and empathy; ICC: in— trapersonal; Interpersonal; ethics: religious diversity and commitment to equality; work and mind habits: innovation and creativity and cross—cultural perspective taking; culture: world history; and politics: globalization and demography Various Three weeks Goals and Objectives Skills Learn the role immigration plays in the development of host and receiving countries as a Whole, learn the diversity of reasons that con— tribute to the decision to migrate, and learn to view immigration as one of the most important and complex current trends in the world today. Inspire a curiosity of understandinghow immigration plays an im— portant role in the allocation of resources across different countries and societies. Act by treating immigrants as equals and with respect and by dem— onstrating multicultural competencies. and Knowledge Students will analyze global patterns of refugee migration and study maps and other geographic tools to examine migration flows. Students will understand the different push—and—pull factors associ— ated with migration and that there can be multiple factors playing out at once that influence one’s decision to immigrate. 297