Fernando M. Reimers et al. b. Five different types of businesses (small, medium, and large in size) c. Five different landmarks, including memorials, museums, and statues d. Five different street corners Five different apartments or living spaces H393 Five different places of worship representing different faith traditions g. Five different parks or recreational places 4) The students or the teacher should make a list of people to inter— View/speak with and questions to ask them. They can Videotape these short (no more than five minutes), informal interviews. The following is a sample list of people to interview: a. A small—business owner b. Someone walking on the street c. People of var1ous ages i. Someone 1n his or her twenties ii. Someone in his or her thirties iii. Someone in his or her forties iv. Someone in his or her fifties V. Someone in his or her fifties vi. Someone in his or her sixties The following is a sample list of questions to ask: a. How long have you lived in New York City? Why did you come to/ decide to live in New York City? Where do your/where did your parents live? Where do your/where did you grandparents live? Where did your great—grandparents live? What are your favorite places in the neighborhood and why? What places should be avoided? What places do you go to daily? FOP-”“999? i. Can you describe the place where you live? j. Where do you work? 292