Fernando M. Reimers et 31. Activity 8.5.2 Students are divided into different groups and gather research and firsthand information about their assigned/chosen neighborhoods (defined by the teacher for safety reasons, among others). Once they collect the informa— tion, they will make a presentation about their neighborhood using posters, video, pictures, and other visual aids. 1) Students should be encouraged to use, practice, and develop 2) teamwork skills and strategies; to learn about one another as classmates; and to explore their own strengths and individual in— terests during this activity. For example, the students should do the following: a. Make a list of roles for the team based on the requirements of the assignment and take turns in the roles or assign each team member a role (e.g., logistics coordinator, timekeeper, recorder, editor, etc.) Make a list of target dates for parts of the assignments before the delivery of the final product, with assignments for each member of the team Discuss and agree on how they will resolve conflicts and differ— ences and how they will run their team meetings Discuss and learn about the experiences, skills, and interests that each team member brings to the work and discuss how they can best use those experiences, skills, and interests to pro— duce the final presentation (these can be discussed as a class before the teams are constructed, or the teacher can administer a survey, make the teams based on interest and skills, and have the students talk about them with one another) Students will be asked to use online searches and other resources in the library to answer questions about their assigned neighborhoods/ boroughs. The teacher can write these questions, or the class can do a guided brainstorming session with the teacher about the questions they have. An example of a rubric is included.