Fernando M. Reimers et al. Activity 8.4.1 Comparing Species with Demography (Note that if the teacher wants, this activity can extend throughout all of the units on demography rather than just spanning one week. If it is ex— tended, students can add information to their comparisons as they learn new concepts.) This unit can begin, if the teacher chooses, with a fun film that brings up issues of global warming and the threat to arctic life, such as Ice Age 2: The Meltdown. After watching the film, the teacher explains to the class that they will be completing a structured comparison between humans as a species and polar bears. They should be scientific in their approach and evaluate humans as though they have little prior knowledge of their habits, characteristics, and motivations. The teacher can use his or her discretion in determining the criteria for comparison, but some ideas may include major food sources population threats migration patterns reproduction rates life—spans 99%9Pf relationships to the environment. Students should present their reports to one another and to the class as a whole. Resources 8.4.] ° Ice Age 2: The Meltdown (film) ' Population Reference Bureau (www.prb.org) 288