Unit Topic Theme Region Length Goals Empowering Global Citizens 8.4 Human—Environmental Interactions and Comparisons across Species Global risk: environment; geography; and demography The Arctic One week and Objectives Learn about how two specieswhumans and polar bears—interact with their environment. 2. Inspire students to reflect on the impacts that human migration, reproduction, and consumption are having on the environment. 3. Act by becoming well—informed stewards of the environment. Skills and Knowledge 1. Students will apply demographic concepts to humans as a species and to polar bears as a species. 2. Students will learn about polar bears and threats to their existence. 3. Students will learn to evaluate humans as a species relatively dispassionately. 4. Students will practice their comparative skills. Overview The students are introduced to the basic ideas behind human—environmen- tal interaction by watching the film Ice Age 2: The Meltdown. 287