Empowering Global Citizens country and compare population pyramids across countries. charts. These data can be found here: (http://www.prb.org/Educators/LessonPlans/ZOOO/ PyramidBuildingaspx} Data on population pyramids across different countries (http://www.un.org/ esa/population/) The teacher will organize the students into small study groups, and the groups will examine how the youth bulge in some regions of the world re— lates to political developments—for example, to unrest in the Middle East. AouVHy81i4 TheIkflafionshu)offknnflauon(knnposnnnland Changelx)PoHtHxflznuiEoononnolDevekunnent The teacher will introduce the field of population studies, examining how population change influences political and economic processes. For example, this video explains the relationship between poverty and popu— lation growth: http://www.gapminder.org/videos/population—growth—explained—with—ikea— boxes/. Resource ' The following are lesson plans for population studies: 0 http://www.prb.org/Publications/Lesson—Plans/ MakingPopulationRealNewLessonPlansandClassroomActiVities.aspx