Empowering Global Citizens Unit 8.3 Topic Population Pyramids and Introduction to Basic Demography Theme Global risk: economic; demography; and poverty Region Various Length Two weeks Overview This unit builds on an introduction to the study of demography and popu— lation studies and introduces the concepts of mortality, fertility, marriage, and migration levels and patterns. Students will be introduced to the main sources of demographic information. The teacher will introduce the concept of distribution of populations by categories (age, sex, race, and ethnicity) and the concepts of density, distribution, and scale. Concepts of birthrates, mortality rates, fertility rates, age—dependency ratios, and age—sex graphs are explained. The teacher also introduces several sources of demographic data and displays and explains several population charts. Goals and Objectives 1. Learn the basic concepts of demographic analyses and population studies. 2. Inspire students to pursue independent studies of populations us— ing the sources provided in this unit, and ask questions such as the following: How does the study of past demographic trends help to predict future demographic structures? How do changes in demo— graphic structures affect social, political, and economic events? 3. Act by examining the relationship of populations to sociological and cultural changes and to political and economic development. 283