Fernando M. Reimers et a]. The purposes of this activity are to increase the depth of the students’ under— standing of demographic issues and to introduce the students to the popula— tion paradox. Prior knowledge needed for this activity includes basic math skills and a basic understanding of demography. The teacher uses this guide (http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/teachers/activ— ities/pdf/3108_worldbal.pdf) to support the viewing of N OVA’s film W/orla’ in the Balance. (Note that this activity will allow students to use their math skills. In fact, it may be useful to have students complete all or part of this activity in their math class after watching the film in the World Course.) Resources ' NOVA} W/orld in the Balance (http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/ worldbalance/) ' Population Reference Bureau (www.prb.org) 282