Unit Topic Theme Region Length Empowering Global Citizens 8.2 The Population Paradox: Opportunities and Challenges in Current Global Trends Environment, geography, and demography Global, the United States, India, Kenya, and Japan Two weeks Goals and Objectives Skills Learn about the opportunities and challenges of current demo- graphic trends. Inspire students to ask questions about global action or inaction in light of foreseeable demographic trends. Act by using tools such as demography when making decisions about the future. and Knowledge Students will increase their depth of understanding of demographic issues. Students will be introduced to the population paradox. Students will use mathematics concepts including exponential func— tions, best—fit lines, and more to answer a real—world question. Activity 8.2.1 Exploring the Population Paradox on NOVA (This lesson in adapted from NOVA’s teacher guide on W/orld in the Balance: http://www.pbs.0rg/wgbh/nova/teachers/activities/pdf/3l08__worldbal. pdf.) 28]