Fernando M. Reimers et a1. Activity 8.1.2 What Are the Sustainable Development Goals? In a class discussion, students will review the SDGs and discuss examples of how social entrepreneurs are addressing them. Students can work in small groups, and each group can have a discussion about a different SDG. The groups will then summarize their work for the entire class. Resources The following are good resources for teaching the SDGs and can be used to provide students with context when they choose topics to focus their social enterprise on: 0 Comic book on the Sustainable Development Goals (https://www.tes.com/worldslargestlesson/read—comic-book/) ° The lesson plan “A Global Goals Assembly” (https://www.tes.com/ worldslargestlesson/) ° https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/?menu=1300 ° https://www.tes.com/worldslargestlesson/the—goals/ ' https : //www. ted. com/talks/michael_green__how_we_can_m ake_ the_world_a_better__place_by_20309language=en ' https:/ / www. ted.com/ talks/1 amie_drummond_how~to_set__goals_ for_the_world?language=en Activity 8.1.3 Designing a Social Enterprise In small groups of between five and six, students will design a social enterprise. They will draw on the SDGs to define a problem area. They will then define a mission for their organization, identify their business model, and develop a business plan. Teachers will review the concepts of Design for Change and Design Thinking, which were taught in the previous year. 278