Empowering Global Citizens reflect on the results of their enterprise. They use those reflections to review the theory of action of the enterprise and to make adjustments to their busi— ness plan. The year ends with a presentation of the enterprises created by the students and a discussion of their results. ACtiVity 8.1.1 What Is Social Entrepreneurship? The teacher will introduce this activity with a presentation that explains the concept of social entrepreneurship. The students will describe the growing role played by the citizen sector in generating innovation to address global challenges and will provide a range of examples of social entrepreneurs. The introduction will highlight the various approaches to financing social enter; prises (e.g., for profit, hybrid, and not For profit). if possible, invite actual social entrepreneurs to visit the class and to make short presentations de— scribing their work and sharing their passion. Resources 0 A resource featuring examples of youth who are social entrepreneurs (https://www.changemakers.com/blog?page= 17) ° Videos on innovations in addressing social challenges (http://www.pbs.org/frontlineworld/educators/social__entrepre- neurs.html) ° Social Entrepreneurship: What Everyone Needs to Know, by David Bornstein and Susan Davis 0 Tactics of Hope: How Social Entrepreneurs Are Changing Our lVorid, by Wilford Welch ' The Five Most Important Questions You lViii Ever Ash about Your Organization, by Peter Drucker and Jim Collins ° Start Something that Matters, hy M. Mycoshie. ° The Lean Startup, by Eric Ries. ' The Innovators, by Walter Isaacson 277