Unit Topic Theme Region Length Fernando M. Reimers et a]. 8.1 Social Entrepreneurship Ethics: value of human potential and work and mind habits: innovation and creativity Various Two weeks Goals and Objectives 1. Learn what social entrepreneurship is and how social entrepreneurs are addressing some of the major global challenges. 2. Inspire students to initiate a social—entrepreneurial venture to ad- dress one of the SDGs. 3. Act by establishing a social enterprise. Skills and Knowledge 1. Students will study the work of various social entrepreneurs. 2. Students will recognize the value of social innovation in addressing development challenges. 3. Students will identify the steps involved in establishing a social enterprise. 4. Students will plan a social enterprise and develop an implementa~ tion plan. Overview This unit builds on the last unit of the seventh grade, when the concept of social enterprise was studied. The students begin eighth grade with an intro— duction to—or a review of—social enterprises and create a social enterprise around one of the SDGs for their end—of—the—year project. This enterprise is developed and put into practice during the year, and students periodically 276