Fernando M. Reimers et a1. variations of it, and how it became popular. Students will chart the progress of the invention over time and examine its impact at each of these differ— ent points. In addition to performing this analysis and studying existing environmental problems, students will also engage in imagining what this technology could look like fifty years hence. Activity 7.9.1 Designing a Friendly Future Students work in teams to research an everyday technology. Students could research lightbulbs, cameras, or some other technology. Their research will need to cover the following areas: 1. The inventor(s) a. Biographical information Training b. Collaborators c. Inspirations and/or trailblazers who helped pave the way for the inventor 2. The idea a. The first iteration of the idea b. The idea’s genesis/ conception c. Early champions of the idea 3. The invention a. The first incarnation of the invention b. The resources needed for the invention (including manpower, ex— pertise, raw materials, and funding) c. The drawbacks of the initial invention 4. The spread a. How the invention caught on b. Who marketed it and to whom c. How quickly it became popular 272