Unit Topic Theme Region Length Goals Skills Empowering Global Citizens 7.9 Inventors as Change Makers and Sustainable Technology Work and mind habits: innovation and creativity; ethics: common values; and global risk: environment Any/ all Four weeks and Objectives Learn about how inventions can lead to rapid social and environ— mental change. Inspire students to plan a future in which new technology helps preserve the environment. Act by becoming more mindful of the technology they use and of its impact on the environment. and Knowledge Students will learn about key inventors who have been environmen— tal activists. Students will understand that change comes through members of very different fields and through different approaches. 3. Students will examine how some everyday technologies became more environmentally friendly because of supply and demand. 4. Students will be inspirited to work together in teams to execute a plan and to create their own inventions. Overview In this unit students examine an everyday technology in great depth. They analyze its inventor, the situations that led to its creation, the different 271