Fernando M. Reimers et a]. which companies were successful when little information was shared versus when more information was shared. Note that an alternative activity that will meet many of the learning goals and can be used in place of this one is the Stock Market Game (www.5tock— marketgame.org). Based on the time available, as a follow—up activity, stu— dents may also undertake background research on the CSR initiatives of their favorite candy or clothes manufacturer in the market. Activity 7.8.2 The Price of Gasoline—What’s behind It? Through this activity students will learn about OPEC, the basics of supply and demand, and the ways that several countries have organized themselves around this particular issue. Use this lesson plan to learn about the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and the many factors including demand (which is an— other way of looking at collective buying power) that influence gas prices: http:/ / www.cconedlink.org/ lessons/ index. php?lid=664&type=afterschool 270