Fernando M. Reimers et al. Unit 7.8 Topic Collective Buying Power and Corporate Social Responsibility Theme ICC: intrapersonal (curiosity about global affairs); work and mind habits: innovation and creativity; economic devel— opment; globalization; and politics Region Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries Length Three weeks Goals and Objectives 1. Learn about collective buying as a way to participate in society and how it has given rise to corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs. 2. Inspire students to think about the consumption choices they make and the invisible power of those choices. 3. Act by being savvy and critical consumers. Skills and Knowledge 1. Students will understand and appreciate the power of consumers. 2. Students will be introduced to and become familiar with the his— tory, power, objectives, and members of OPEC. 3. Students will examine the concepts of supply and demand. 4. Students will analyze the nuances of corporate social responsibility, including how it is used as a signal tool for effective marketing, and evaluate CSR programs. Overview Through an interactive game, students learn about the concept of buying power as well as about the role of CSR in signaling to customers. Students 268