Empowering Global Citizens choices in terms of global security (e.g., war—torn countries and oil), work— ing conditions (e.g., historic coal miners in Appalachia), and the environ— ment (e.g., desertification and drought due to climate change). Aoflvuy7fl4 TheIfiokensIflanenulflu:BoyVVhoiknnessedthe “find Through this activity, students will learn to critically evaluate the persuasive— ness of an argument. Students will learn about the lives of T. Boone Pickens and William Kamkwamba and their trajectories to becoming activists for wind energy. First, using what they learned in the previous activity, they will brainstorm as a group on what information they would want and need in order to make a decision regarding an energy plan. Next they will visit pickensplan.com and williamkamkwamba.typepad.com and evaluate the websites for their persuasiveness. They will see whether those websites provide all of the infor— mation that they think they need to make a decision, and they will discuss what additional information those websites provide. Resources ° Advanced Placement Environmental Science, Topic V: Energy Resources and Consumption (https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/ apcourse/ap—environmental—science/course—details) ' Frontlz'ne’s “The Spill” (a sixty—minute—long episode) ° W/orltl Development Report 2010: Development and Climate C/mnge ° PBS’s Bart/J Days (a two—hour-long film) 267