Unit Topic Theme Region Length Empowering Global Citizens 7.7 Energy and Environmental Movements Global risk: environment; globalization; and ICC: intraper— sonal (curiosity about global affairs) United States, India, Kenya, and Malawi Three weeks Goals and Objectives Skills 9° Learn about environmental movements and their champions as well as about energy sources. Inspire students to think about what role they can play in preserv~ ing the environment, particularly when it comes to energy choices. Act by critically evaluating the often~politicized information pre— sented as energy facts. and Knowledge Students will become familiar with the important aspects of an en— vironmental movement and also know the time line of the modern American environmental movement. They will also become famil— iar with the similarities and differences in the environmental move— ments in India, Kenya, and the United States. Students will become aware of the Pickens Plan. Students will identify energy trends since 1945. Students will verify the credibility of information from different sources. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the link between energy, war, and politics as well as of the relationship between one’s energy use and lifestyle. Students will evaluate the costs and benefits of various different en— Cfgy types. 263