Empowering Global Citizens GROUP C. ECONOMIC INEQUALITY AND GENDER 1. Students engage in a discussion about what economic inequality means and learn to plot gender maps of the world that indicate the percentage of women who can, for example, own land, get paid as much as men, and hold jobs. 2. The students undertake background research on the concept of mi— crofinance and on how it’s beneficial to women across the develop— ing world. In class students discuss the following Videos and why they think economic empowerment of women is important: a. Liberia (http://www.viewchange.org/videos/liberia—microfinance_) b. Afghanistan (http://www.viewchange.org/videos/kandahar-treasure) Activity 7.6.3 Gender and Development 1. The students in the class form a web explicitly laying out the linkag— es between poverty, education, health, gender equality, and overall development. The teacher walks the students through these linkages and helps them draw the connections between them in a chain- effect game. 2. The students can also work on projects with peers across the world to examine the status of girls and young women in different parts of the world and to draw similar linkages. The following videos can be shown to steer their thinking: a. “The Girl Effect” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1e8ngOJtVg; http://www.youtube.com/watch?V=\X/IvmE4_KMNw&feature= relmfu b. “Women’s Empowerment in Nigeria” (http://www.youtube. com/watch?V=O9M9seZ497U8(feature:player_embedded) c. Videos from other countries (http://Www.viewchange.org/ Videos?t=gender) 261