Empowering Global Citizens Using this background information, the students create country profiles and present them to the class. Using an interactive map, the teacher introduces the concept of a global gender gap and asks the students to do a close text study of what the UDHR and the SDGs say about the role of gender and equality. Students may begin by reading literature that shatters gender stereotypes (listed under resources) and by reflecting on why the characters can/can’t perform certain roles. Resources ° The lesson plan “Mission Gender Equality” (https://www.tes.com/ worldslargestlesson/) ' Jimmy Carter book and Ted talk on Violence against women ' A Call to Action. Women, religion, violence and power. ° https://www.ted.com/talks/jimmy_carter_why_i_believe_ the__mistreatment_of_women_is_the_number_one_human_ rights_abuse?language=en ' Sample lesson plans and ideas for introducing concepts associ— ated with gender inequality(http://www.thirteen.org/edonline/ wideangle/lessonplans/girlsspeak/procedures.html) ' Databases of relevant gender—neutral literature 0 (http://journal.naeyc.org/btj/200303/Books4Childrenpdf ° http://genderequalbooks.com/Brave_Girls_book_list.html) Activity 7.6.2 Examining the Dimensions of Gender Equality The class can be split into three groups, each of which will examine a differ— ent aspect of gender equality, as explained below.