Fernando M. Reimers et 31. Students will interact in gender—sensitive ways with one another. 5. Students will examine the nature of gender challenges and gaps across different parts of the world. 6. Students will develop the reflective capacity to understand gendered roles in society and identify the role they want to play in bridging the gender divide. Overview In this unit students are introduced to the various dimensions of gender inequality across the world. Students closely examine SDG 5 and its as— sociated targets and measures. Links are drawn to other units in which students were introduced to women change makers who made a differ— ence in the different spheres of human development. Through the use of interactive maps and audiovisual materials, students examine trends in the gender gaps across the world. Through the use of literature, students chal— lenge some of their own existing assumptions about the roles of men and women in society and become more reflective and aware of the difference they can make in challenging some of the existing preconceived roles and notions. Activity 7.6.1 Introducing Gender Inequality and SDG 5 Students interact with peers in different parts of the world to closely examine 1. the chores children in their respective countries do at home 2. the jobs that only men or only women perform and the jobs that both genders perform 3. whether the country has a history of women political leaders 4. the ratio of the genders in the country. 258