Unit Topic Theme Region Length Goals Skills 1. Empowering Global Citizens 7.6 SDG 5, Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment ICC: interpersonal (one’s own identity and culture and oth— ers’ identities and cultures); ICC: intrapersonal (curiosity about global affairs, recognizing prejudice, and minimizing the effects of prejudice); ethics: commitment to equality and common values; work and mind habits: cross-cultural per— spective taking); economic development; and globalization Developing world (as this unit focus on SDG 5) Two weeks and Objectives Learn about the importance of gender parity and its links with the other SDGs. Inspire students to treat everyone equally and with respect and to reflect upon how small actions and behaviors can make a difference in combatting gender stereotypes. Act in ways that are gender sensitive and demonstrate an under— standing of the importance of treating men and women equally. and Knowledge Students will become familiar with the importance of SDG 5, its targets, and its indicators. Students will draw links between gender inequality and social, po- litical, and economic inequality. Students will understand the relevance of and need for women’s empowerment and its role in national, international and global development. 257