Unit Topic Theme Region Length Goals Skills Fernando M. Reimers et al. 7.4 Democratic Life and Participation Work and mind habits: innovation and creativity; ICC: intrapersonal (curiosity about global affairs and conflict— resolution skills); and ICC: interpersonal (working in inter— cultural teams) Developing world (since the project relates to the SDGs) Two weeks and then subsequently two hours per week since this relates to the capstone project and Objectives Learn about the following strategies for successful project planning: identification of an issue, research, action planning, implementa— tion, reflection, and evaluation. Students also learn about the pro- cess of civic participation by experiencing it themselves. Inspire students to take on projects related to issues that are impor— tant to them and to see themselves as change makers with agency and efficacy. Act by demonstrating an understanding of civic participation through the completion of an experiential civic project. and Knowledge Students will use various strategies to identify an issue and to create a project to help solve it. They will research the causes of and key levers ofinfluence on the issue, identify potential partners and build relation— ships with them, plan and execute a project to address the chosen issue, and continuously monitor and reflect on their progress and process. Students will connect the experience of the project with that of civic life and specifically with organizing, campaigning, and acting in the public sphere. 244