Empowering Global Citizens Resources 1. Excerpts from these two animated films about the story of the UDHR and what it embodies: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTlrSYbeHE&feature=play ergembedded http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oh3BbLk5UIQ&feature=related) Child-friendly text of the UDHR (the first two pages) (http://www. eycb.coe.int/compasito/chapter__6/pdf/ 1 .pdf) Activity 7.3.3 The UDHR and the SDGS (There are two options for this, and the teacher may use both or either one based on the existing levels of knowledge about the SDGS in the class.) OPTION A Students are asked to undertake a background study about the SDGS and to write a biographical sketch of the SDGs that answers the following ques— tions about it: When were the SDGs introduced? Why? What are the goals of the SDGs? What do the SDGs represent collectively? When are the SDGS to be achieved by? Are all of the SDGs equally important, or do you believe that one may be more important than the others? Students examine the SDGs and the UDHR side by side and draw out any overlaps between the two documents. Students are asked to articulate any direct or indirect linkages that they find between the two. Students read the following comic book on the SDGs: https://www.tes. com/worldslargestlesson/read—comic—book/ 24'1