Unit Topic Theme Region Length Fernando M. Reimers et al. 7.3 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Change Makers Who Have Expanded Rights, and an Overview of the SDGs Work and mind habits: variation within cultural groups; eth— ics: trust in institutions, humility and respect, ethical frame— works, the value of human potential, and the importance of global compacts; ICC: intrapersonal (recognizing prejudice and minimizing the effects of prejudice); and globalization Developing world Three weeks Goals and Objectives Skills Learn about the universality and centrality of needs and rights as an expression of ensuring that universal human needs are met. Students also learn about the SDGs and their role in ensuring that rights are guaranteed. Inspire students to take action to preserve human dignity for other children in the world and to reflect on how their own actions can make a difference in the arena. Act by demonstrating an understanding of and an appreciation for rights and by behaving in ways that are mutually respectful and preserve human dignity. and Knowledge Students will identify the differences and commonalities in needs across the world and understand the importance of rights. Students will understand and appreciate the concepts of dignity, equality, nondiscrimination, and justice. 238