Empowering Global Citizens Resource 1. Source of data for examining voting trends (http://www.idea.int/Vt/ country_view.cfm?CountryCode=IN) Activity 7.2.7 Promoting Voting Students research different organizations that aim to increase voter turnout. Suggested resources are listed below. 1. Rock the Vote, a campaign started to promote greater youth en— gagement in elections and to create an ownership in the political processes in the United States (http://www.rockthevote.org/) 2. Project Vote (http://projectvote.org/?gclid=CM—v2cWc9aYCFQF MSQOddRJVBg) 5. Native Vote, a voting campaign run by the National Congress of American Indians (http://www.nativevote.org/) 4. You Don’t Need a Home to Vote, a campaign to increase voting in the homeless population (http://www.nationalhomeless.org/proj— ects/vote/index.html) Students should spend time perusing these and other websites. They should then decide on one in particular to research in depth. Students will create a media documentary or write a paper that uses information from their re— search [0 CDCOUI‘EIgC VOICI‘ turnout. 237