Fernando M. Reimers et a1. — the will of the people and the authority of government ~ genuine and free and fair elections — universal and equal suffrage — S€Cf€t VO [6 Resources 1. Subarticle 3 of article 21 in the UDHR (http://www.un.org/en/ documents/udhr/index.shtml#a23) Part 3 Voting Campaigns Activity 7.2.6 Voting Trends (Note that this activity can be optional depending on how much time is left.) In the computer lab, students compile voter—turnout data over time. Students create a spreadsheet with voter—turnout rates for presidential elec— tions in Brazil, India, and the United States. It will immediately become obvious that the voter—turnout rate in the United States is far lower than those of Brazil and India. The teacher should lead a discussion around the students’ reactions to this information. (In the seventh grade, some of the theories around why voting has decreased may be too complicated, but some of the primary theories concerning social capital, apathy, and levels of trust among different popula- tions can be discussed.) 236