Unit Topic Theme Region Length Goals Skills Empowering Global Citizens 7.2 Governance Ethics: trust in institutions, breakdown of trust in institu— tions, ethical frameworks, commitment to equality, and valuing human potential and ICC: intrapersonal (minimiz— ing the effects of prejudice and conflict—resolution skills) United States, Brazil, and India Four weeks and Objectives Learn about the history of voting in the United States, the expan— sion of the right to vote to include both genders and all races, and the right to vote across different cultures. Inspire students to feel compelled to vote when they reach majority, to feel excited about their voting future, and to encourage others both personally and through collective action to vote Act by demonstrating an understanding of the voting process through an accurate historical analysis and through the creation of a narrative for the purposes of a campaign. and Knowledge Students will identify the key elements of movements to expand the right to vote (to women and to minorities), including the change makers in each movement. Students will describe voting movements in other cultures. Students will appreciate the nuances of voting and understand that “free and fair elections” are a fundamental tenet of a functioning democracy. 229