Empowering Global Citizens Resource The following web page contains quotes by famous eminent po— litical leaders going back in time regarding the value of citizen— ship and its importance in a functioning civil society: http://www. sos.wa.gov/elections/mock/lessonplans/2OlO/Lesson0/0201-%20 Citizenshippdf 2) Students will hold elections to elect three people to represent them for the first six to twelve weeks in decisions made about classroom proceedings. Students can nominate each other or themselves, and each nominee will give a short platform speech. The idea is that elections should be held every six to twelve weeks and that the elec— tion process should become more elaborate as they learn more about political processes. a. This activity will be referred to during the rest of the year and can be revisited with variations in different units. i. For example, before the unit on the civil rights move— ment, the teacher can say that only students wearing a certain type or color of clothing can vote on that day’s decisions. OPTION C 1) Introduce the concepts of membership, inclusion, exclusion, and responsibility, and pick any applicable Facing History and Ourselves lesson. The teacher can choose from a variety of dif— ferent lesson plans that focus on membership in society from the Facing History database (https://www.facinghistory.org/ educator—resources). 227