Fernando M. Reimers et a1. Overview In this unit students are given an overview of the year so that they will be aware of the focus of the units as well as of the big picture that emerges when studying these various pieces. Students partake in a voting process to understand the nuances behind it and to understand that voting is a way to elect leaders and to organize themselves toward a common goal. Students specifically organize themselves with little direction from the teacher and in the process are asked to reflect on the team dynamics and the differences that play out. Activity 7.1.1 Road Map of the Year The first activity serves as an introduction to and an overview of the year and its key ideas and activities. This is a teacher~led activity, and it provides students with a road map of what to expect during the year so that they can be aware of the big—picture theme of the year. ACtiVity 7.1.2 Who Am I? Students will introduce themselves by composing and then reading aloud short “I am” poems based on the resource given below. This link contains a sample of a typical “I am” poem and will help students articulate their own identity and help the class identify common themes in their collective identity. Resources The I Am Poem that relates to students’ identities (http://score.rims.k12. ca. us/score_lessons/symbols__freedom/pages/i__am_poem.html) 224