THE WORLD COURSE SEVENTH GRADE: DRIVING CHANGE IN SOCIETY BY ORGANIZING AS A COLLECTIVE AND THROUGH THE STUDY OF CHANGE MAKERS Theme l I nderstanding the power of ordinary citizens to improve society and the world. Description This year expands the concept of organizing to include the concept of tak— ing an organization and creating a movement. Individuals who have been instrumental in furthering voting rights, human rights, and environmental movements are studied, and their roles as uniters and collaborators are em— phasized, as real change makers inspire and work with Others—they don’t go it alone. Students will learn about gender equity and equality, people who are trying to create a fundamental shift in global energy policy, and the role of inventors in bringing social change. Throughout the year, they will work on an extended service—learning project to bring their study of movements to life, and the year culminates in a socially conscious business—plan exercise that will be implemented in the eighth grade. Looking Back How Do People in Societies Organize Themselves? 221