Fernando M. Reimers et a1. back later this year and to encourage debate about the universality of the UDHR, given some of the previous instances of exclusion of indigenous peoples from human rights legislation. Students are introduced to some of the proceedings of the 2010 White House Tribal Nations Conference and to President Obama’s designating November 2010 as National Native American Heritage Month. Students create and post online a video of an interview with a Native American tribe member brought into the classroom as a guest. They can ask for the guest speaker’s perspectives on the challenges that his or her tribe continues to face in dealing with government authorities. Resources ° http://Www.pbs.org/circleofstories/wearehere/culture_gallery.html ° http://www.pbs.org/Circleofstories/educators/lesson2.html ° http://www.culturalsurvival.org/ourpublications/csq/article/ indigenous—rights—and—self—determination—mexico 220