Empowering Global Citizens Activity The Three Branches of Government in China The teacher should lead a discussion about the three branches of govern— ment in China as a general introduction to the topic. The students then conduct their own research projects on the three branches and how they operate. The students should present these projects to the class. The teacher should split the class into three parts (the three branches). Current events in China should be presented to the class, and the groups should be given time to develop an idea of how their branch of government is interacting with the events. They should also answer the following ques— tions about their branch: Who makes decisions? What powers do each branch have in this case? What are the limits to the power of the branches? How do the three branches function together? What are the limits to civilian action? ACtiVity A Final Comparison The teacher should guide the students in adding China to the compari— son chart of the United States and the United Kingdom. Once all of the students have a complete chart, they should use their chart to finish the comparative essay begun in the previous unit. This essay should be a formal writing assignment. As an extension, students could also compare the governing systems in the United Kingdom and Japan. 213