Fernando M. Reimers et al. Part 3 China Goals and Objectives 1. 3. Learn to describe the three branches of government in China and their functions and to compare how the three branches function in a communist regime with how they fianction in other systems. Inspire in students an appreciation for governing systems very much like our own to inspire cooperation with China. Act by demonstrating an understanding of the three branches of government and by comparing those of the United States and China. Skills and Knowledge 1. Students will describe the three branches of government in China and their functions and compare how the three branches function in a communist regime with how they function in other systems. 2. Students will identify key points in Chinese history, particularly those that pertain to the creation of the modern governing structure. 3. Students will evaluate key differences between the three branches as they operate in China. 4. Students will compare dissimilar systems and highlight the key differences. 5. Students will evaluate multiple systems for their respective opportu- nities and challenges. Overview In this unit, students will examine the third case in the extended comparison of governments: China. 212