Empowering Global Citizens Activity (One Week) The Three Branches of Government and the Modern Monarchy in the United Kingdom In small groups, students should complete independent research projects on the subject of the three branches of government and the modern monarchy in the United Kingdom. They should be able to answer these key questions as well as to provide additional details: 1. When was the current system in the United Kingdom formed? For what purposes was it formed? In what historical context was it formed? 2. What are the powers of each branch of government? 9’ What are the limits to the power of each branch? 4. What is the role of the monarchy? What is the power of the monar— chy, and what are the limits to the power of the monarchy? Students should research a current event in the United Kingdom and exam— ine how that event is affected by the three branches and the monarchy as part of their analysis. The teacher should discuss with the students the lack of a constitution in the United Kingdom and how the system of common law is similar to and different from a constitution. Activity Comparison between the United States and the United Kingdom The students should create a chart comparing the powers and the limits to the powers of the three branches in the United States and the United Kingdom. They should use this chart to write a one—page essay on the simi- larities and differences in the branches of government of the two nations. This essay should be considered a draft, as a more formal essay will be writ— ten after the next unit is completed. 211