Fernando M. Reimers et al. Unit: 6.6 Topic: Comparative Study of the Three Branches of Government Theme: ICC: interpersonal (one’s own identity and culture and oth— ers’ identities and cultures); ethics: trust in institutions and commitment to equality; knowledge: culture (world history and philosophical traditions); politics: government/ politics and comparative government); and arts: literature Area The United States, the United Kingdom, and China Length Twelve weeks Part 1 The United States Goals and Objectives 1. Learn to describe the three branches of government in the United States and their functions; to describe the Constitution, its purpose, and its content; and to describe the relationship between the three branches of government and the government’s relationship with the citizens. 2. Inspire in students a desire to reach out to representatives in the US government and to participate in organizations working within the political system. 3. Act by demonstrating an understanding of the three branches of government and the Constitution through an in—class assessment as well as through an application of this understanding of the respec— tive role of each branch to a discussion of a current policy issue. Skills and Knowledge 1. Students will describe the three branches of government in the United States and their function and describe the Constitution, its purpose, and its content. 202