Fernando M. Reimers et a]. 3. Students will learn about the important role that common spaces have played in allowing the free exchange of thought and criticism of governments. 4. Students will reflect on common spaces within their contexts, in— cluding on what they are used for, what value they provide, and how they are regulated. Overview In this unit, students learn about the commons in two different contexts. First they learn about how competing individuals’ choices can result in the need for government and civil society. They will watch a documentary and play a simulation game to learn about global overfishing. Second students learn about how commons can provide a space for individual expression and particularly for demonstrations against governmental policies. Activity 6.4.1 Film Show the class a film about the world fisheries crisis. For example, the class can watch T/ae End of the Line“ or YZz/ez'ng Stat/e.” Ask the students to take notes on the film and to answer the following questions: — What is the problem? —— Why is the problem hard to stop or fix? — Who in the film do you sympathize with the most? ~ What role can and should governments, international organizations, and supragovernmental organizations play in regulating commons? 11 Rupert, Murray (Dir) (2009). T/ae End Off/76 Line. Arcane Pictures. Eighty—five minutes. http://endoftheline.com/ 12 Markham, Nigel (Dir) (1994). Taking Stat/e. National Film Board of Canada. Forty—seven minutes. http://www.onf—nfb.gc.ca/eng/collection/film/?id=32271 194