Empowering Global Citizens Unit 6.4 Topic The Commons Theme ICC: intrapersonal (curiosity about global affairs); ethics: trust in institutions, breakdown of trust in institutions, and the importance of global compacts; knowledge: economics, trade, and demography (economic development and de— mography); politics: government/ politics and comparative government; global risk: environment and globalization; skills: analytical and investigative skills (evaluate sources of information and the local-global link); and global problem solving: scenario building and being a critical consumer Area: Any/all, but specifically the United Kingdom and Canada Length: Five weeks Goals and Objectives 1. Learn to bring into focus the complicated and valuable relationship Skills between individuals and their government. Inspire students to reflect on the motivations of those who wish to increase or decrease the government’s role in individuals’ lives. Act by understanding that individuals can work with their govern— ment to create healthier, more just societies. and Knowledge Students will learn about the important relationship between indi— Viduals and their government by examining commons. Students will learn about the tragedy of the commons and govern— ment’s role in protecting the environment. 193