Empowering Global Citizens Activity 6.3.3 How Do We Show Respect? Each student is paired with a student from another culture (an American student attending school in a Native American community, for example, or a student from another country) using a tool such as iEARN.10 Ideally, they will have access to students from a number of different cultures (that is, the class will not be paired with students from only Class but with students from different classes in different countries or cultures). Each student (in both groups) is instructed to think of one person whom he or she respects. That person could be a politician, a historical figure, a relative, or a celebrity. The students should then write a short essay on What qualities of that person they respect and why. They then share their essays first with their own class and then with their cross—cultural partners. They will discuss similarities and differences in the essays. Next, each student is instructed to imagine an encounter with the person he or she respects. Each student should write a second essay that describes the encounter and places special emphasis on how the student would dress, behave, and address the person; What the student would say to the person; and how the student would express respect. Again, the students share their essays with their own class and then with their cross—cultural partners. They will discuss similarities and differences in the essays. Activity 6.3.4 Greetings around the World Since a resource describing greetings around the world does not appear to ex— ist, the students will create one themselves! The students gather information 10 http://media.ieam.org/ 191