Fernando M. Reimers et al. Write the following obituaries: 1. Nathan Hale 2. Crispus Attucks Write letters to the editor from the following people: 1. Samuel Adams 2. Patrick Henry 3. An ordinary colonist warning that unless things calm down, the colonists might be headed toward a war with the British. This colo- nist feels fondly toward Britain and thinks that a war would be a terrible tragedy and must be prevented. Create an arts page with a theater review, a poetry review, an article covering sports, and an article about food. One reporter should work on each article. Theater Review One reporter should write a review of one of Mercy Otis Warren’s plays. Tell the readers what the play is about, whether you would recommend that they attend it, and whether readers are likely to feel angry after seeing it. Tell the readers whether the actors and the playwright have received any threats. Please include information about where and when the performances are held and about how much they cost. Poetry Review You are the newspaper’s poetry editor. Pick a poem by Phillis Wheatley that you would like to print, and write a note to the readers explaining who she is, why she is becoming famous, and why this particular poem is so impor— tant that you have decided to publish it. Please comment on the significance 178